Integrated Research Information Management Suite (iRIMS)

The Integrated Research Information Management Suite, iRIMS, is NUS’ central research grant management system. Interfaced with NUS core systems and external platforms, users can expect ease of access with Single Sign-on and maneuverability across different stages of the grant lifecycle.

iRIMS may be accessed via

Device specifications for optimal iRIMS experience:

  • Display with 1024x768 or higher resolution.
  • Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox for Windows and Mac.

Access Request

All full-time staff and graduate students would automatically be granted an account in iRIMS (excluding iRIMS-InfoReady)

  • Academic and research staff would be assigned the basic user access to iRIMS-SP, iRIMS-IRB, iRIMS-IBC, and iRIMS-IACUC.
  • For first-timers to iRIMS-InfoReady, please login via 2FA and an account will be automatically created.

Module User Group required to
submit access request
Point of Contact
iRIMS-Sponsored Projects Central/Faculty/Department Administrators
iRIMS-Fund Manager Central/Faculty/Department Administrators & Staff assisting with WBS matters
iRIMS-IRB (Human Ethics) Undergraduate students & Authorised visitors

(For submission to NUS-IRB only. iRIMS access is not required for submission to DERC.)
iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety) Undergraduate students & Authorised visitors
iRIMS-IACUC (Animal Oversight) Undergraduate students & Authorised visitors

Technical Enquiries / Assistance

Please contact the following parties

Module Email Address
iRIMS-Sponsored Projects
iRIMS-Fund Manager
iRIMS-IRB (Human Ethics)
iRIMS-IBC (Hazard Safety)
iiRIMS-IACUC (Animal Oversight)

Please include a brief description of the query, issue and/or screen-capture of the error, where possible.

Contact the administrator-in-charge for queries relating to programme-specific processes and applications. Details can be found in the respective microsites.